Lille Tourism Association has created a mill walk on the Kempen Beemden numbered-node trail network that connects Lille's two mills, The Slagmolen and the In Stormen Sterk grain mill.
The entire walk is 18 kilometres long. The walk consists of a loop to the In Stormen Sterk grain mill (14 kilometres) and a loop to The Slagmolen (6.5 kilometres).
You can find some additional information below. You can also collect a map of the route at the town hall.
Practical info
Full course
- Start location: KN 18 behind the town hall, Rechtestraat 44, 2275 Lille
- Distance: 18 km
- Duration: 338 minutes
- Number of steps: 25.715
- RouteYou
Shorter walk
From node 19, you can return to node 18. This is the transition between the two loops.
The green part is the loop to the In Stormen Sterk grain mill. The orange part is the loop to The Slagmolen